For the mutual protection of lot owners and the Cemetery as a whole, the following rules and regulations are hereby established for the Highland Memorial Cemetery, and in no way are intended to circumvent or nullify any part of the existing by-laws. All lot owners and persons visiting the cemetery will be expected to abide by these rules and regulations, which have been approved by the Board of Directors and are intended to assist in maintaining our cemetery as a peaceful and beautiful area as well as a reverent symbol of respect for the deceased.
Care of Lots
Perpetual care includes keeping the turf even, the grass properly cut and the trees and shrubs, as duly authorized, trimmed.
Additional care. Lot owners desiring additional care of their lots, may arrange for such care with the Cemetery Superintendent who will be glad to give an estimate of the work desired.
The Cemetery will be open for interments from April 1st to December 1st, Monday through Friday. Any Saturday interments will require an additional charge. No interments will be made on Sundays or legal holidays.
Any interments between December 1st and April 1st will be made only at the discretion of the Cemetery Superintendent and there will be an additional charge added to the regular fee.
When an interment is to be made in a specific lot, the location of such interment shall be designated by the owner or his/her authorized representative. If this is not done, the Corporation reserves the right to make the interment, in the specified lot, in a location designated by the Cemetery Superintendent. The Corporation shall not be responsible for errors resulting from telephone information, which lacks precise and proper instructions as to the particular space, size of the grave and location in the lot where interment is desired.
The Cemetery Corporation reserves the right to insist upon at least forty-eight hours notice of any interment. We also reserve the right to postpone the time of interment in case of acts of nature, civil and national emergency.
No interment of two or more bodies shall be made in one grave, except in the case of Mother and Child, or two infants buried in one casket. Further variations may be made in the case of cremations subject to the placing of markers and with prior approval of the Cemetery Superintendent. All regular grave interments must be made in a reinforced concrete vault with a one-piece cover. Cremations must be in an approved urn.
No monument shall be constructed of any material other than cut marble, granite, natural stone or real bronze. In certain sections of the Cemetery there are restrictions as to type and size of the marker and the local monument dealers are familiar with these sections. All nine-foot grave sites allow only ground level markers.
No stone monuments, plaques or small markers shall be erected until a suitable foundation is laid. All foundations shall be four (4) feet in depth and the cemetery reserves the right to construct all foundations.
No monuments can be set without the approval of the Cemetery Superintendent.
Responsibilities for Loss and Damage
All reasonable precautions will be taken to protect lots and lot owners from loss or damage, within the cemetery. The Corporation will not be liable for loss or damage from causes beyond our control (e.g. weather, thieves, vandals, malicious mischief, or unavoidable accident.)
Shrubs, Flowers and Plants
No individual beds of shrubbery or flowers shall be permitted on the grounds of the Cemetery except by special permission of the Cemetery Superintendent.
No shrubs or evergreens will be permitted on a single grave lot. No planting of any shrubs or trees will be permitted at individual headstones or markers. Plantings on a two-grave or larger lots must be approved by the Cemetery Superintendent.
Only one floral display will be permitted on a grave at any one time. Exceptions to this rule will be permitted during one week prior to and one week following Memorial Day and at the time of interment. No glass jars, unsightly metal receptacles or breakable flower containers shall be placed on lots. Urn floral containers, recessed holders and rustic baskets are recommended. The placing of anything, other than authorized flower receptacles, wreaths or flags in holders, will not be permitted on any lot in the Cemetery and the Superintendent reserves the right to remove any such unauthorized items.
The Corporation shall have the right to remove all floral designs, flowers, weeds, trees, shrubs, plants, or herbage of any kind from the cemetery as soon as, in their opinion, they become unsightly, dangerous, detrimental or diseased or when they do not conform to the standards maintained in the cemetery.
The Cemetery Corporation reserves the right to remove from lots, vases and urns not properly painted or otherwise cared for, or not filled with plants by the 30th of June.
The Cemetery shall not be responsible for floral pieces, baskets or frames, in which or to which floral pieces are placed or attached beyond their acceptance for services held in the Cemetery.
The Board of Directors voted at the 1995 Annual Meeting to eliminate the use of artificial flowers in the Highland Memorial Cemetery effective January 1, 1996.
Purchase and Transfer of Lots
The Cemetery Superintendent shall have the authority to purchase or exchange for other lots (within the cemetery), on behalf of the Corporation, any unoccupied lot or lots as may be agreed upon by the owner or owners and the said Superintendent.
The Board of Directors has established a limit of $50.00 per grave plot, or $200.00 maximum per lot that can be paid to lot owners who no longer have use for these plots, if the Cemetery officers and directors are satisfied that funds would be available for such purchase. This policy will be honored only for those from whom we have proof of purchase, such as a copy of burial rights or a receipt of full payment.
Transfer of lots will not be recognized without the consent of the Association, and a transfer Right of Burials (RoB) must be obtained. There will be a $50.00 office charge for this service.
The purchase price must be paid in full at the time of purchase and an interment RoB will be given. Description of lot(s) contained in such RoB’s shall be in accordance with the cemetery plots which are kept on file by the Association.
Descent of Title
The laws of the State of Maine govern the descent of title or RoB cemetery lots as well as other matters relating to their ownership. Notarized statements as to relationship and certified copies of wills are normally sufficient.